
Showing posts from September, 2016

Should You Refinish Hardwood Floors Yourself?

By Jaime Wiebe Should You Refinish Hardwood Floors Yourself? Image: Gabbi Zaccheria from  Retro Ranch Reno Only if you like uneven surfaces and putting out fires. SHARE THIS Email This Pin This Tweet This TOPIC Improve,   Organize & Maintain, Home Maintenance Tips Print article Of course, refinishing hardwood  floors is a DIY job . That’s why all the Big Box stores rent floor sanders, right? But just because you can rent a sander doesn’t mean you should. Even if your friends did dub you “Jackie-Of-All-Trades” after that amazing bathroom re-do last spring, you still might not have the stuff it takes to refinish your floors. Seriously, you could end up with a floor that has so many dips and grooves, you’ll get more seasick than you did on that Disney cruise when you were 10. Worse, you could make a dangerous newbie mistake and start a fire. (True! We’ll explain in just a bit). Even if the cost of hiri...

7 Household Expenses You're Probably Wasting Your Money On

By: Alaina Tweddale   7 Household Expenses You’re Probably Wasting Your Money On There are better ways to spend. Image: Simone Golob/Offset SHARE THIS Email This Pin This Tweet This TOPIC Improve,   Organize & Maintain, Home Maintenance Tips Print article The washer/dryer combo was perfect! Such a delightful way to brighten laundry day — with a cheerfully colored front-loader set. They could actually make laundry fun! “They were this gorgeous, greenish-teal, and they looked great in my laundry room,” says Eliesa Prettelt, avid DIYer and author of “A Pinterest Addict” blog. Image:  Eliesa Prettelt, Pinterest Addict Blog       But after barreling through three sets in four years, she knew she’d made a mistake. “They looked so pretty, but I had nothing but problems with them,” she says. She eventually gave up and got nondescript, white, commercial-grade t...